The Organizer
Project Capoeira

Project Capoeira is the instrumental organizer, promoter, and participant of Brazilian Day Philadelphia. As a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization, the mission of Project Capoeira, Inc. is to preserve, develop, and share Capoeira, a Brazilian folk art that combines elements of martial arts, music, dance, and acrobatics. Our activities grow intercultural understanding and a sense of community through arts education and social outreach. The organization uses Capoeira as a vehicle to promote other Brazilian arts and to preserve Brazilian culture in Greater Philadelphia.
Since 2001, Project Capoeira enriches the community through public performances, street festivals, community workshops, and regular classes.
Our Supporters

Brazilian Day Philadelphia Series occurs in September to celebrate Brazilian Independence Day. The Series celebrates, promotes, and shares Brazilian arts and culture in the Greater Philadelphia region while fostering intercultural exchange and uniting the Brazilian community.
Since 2014, the Brazilian Day Philadelphia Series includes a flag ceremony, Capoeira performances and classes, and a variety of other arts and cultural events for the public to enjoy.
The Brazilian Day Philadelphia Series includes a flag ceremony at Philadelphia’s City Hall. Capoeira performances and classes at Project Capoeira’s Cultural Center, 1213 Race St. Other Brazilian Day Philadelphia Series arts and cultural events occur in Philadelphia for the public to enjoy. More specifics will be listed on the “Schedule” website section as event planning continues.
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Event Schedule
Capoeira Roda – Thursday, 9/5/2024, 6 pm, 1213 Race St. Philadelphia
Brazilian Flag Ceremony, Friday, 9/6/2024, 2 pm, City Hall North Apron
Capoeira Roda – Friday, 9/6/2024, 6 pm, 1213 Race St. Philadelphia
Capoeira Batizado, Graduation, Rodas, Workshops – Saturday, 9/7/2024, 11:30 am – 4:30 pm
Lloyd Hall, 1 Boathouse Row, Philadelphia, PA 19130
Brazilian Day Philadelphia, Sunday, 9/8/2024, 1 pm – 7pm, Spruce Street Harbor Park, 301 S. Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19106

The History of Brazilian Independence Day
The Independence of Brazil comprised a series of political events that occurred in 1821–1824, most of which involved disputes between Brazil and Portugal regarding the call for independence presented by the Brazilian Empire. It is celebrated on September 7, the anniversary of the September 7, 1822 date regent Prince Dom Pedro declared Brazil’s independence from Portugal. Formal recognition came with a treaty signed by Brazil and Portugal in autumn, 1825.
Origin of Brazil
The land now called Brazil was claimed by Portugal in April 1500, on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral. The Portuguese encountered Indigenous nations divided into several tribes, most of whom shared the same Tupi-Guaraní language family, and shared and disputed the territory.
Though the first settlement was founded in 1532, colonization was effectively started in 1534, when Dom João III divided the territory into fifteen hereditary captaincies. This arrangement proved problematic, however, and in 1549 the king assigned a Governor-General to administer the entire colony. The Portuguese assimilated some of the native tribes while others slowly disappeared in long wars or by European diseases to which they had no immunity.
A Independência do Brasil ocorreu em 7 de setembro de 1822. A partir desta data o Brasil deixou de ser uma colônia de Portugal. A proclamação foi feita por D. Pedro I as margens do riacho do Ipiranga em São Paulo.
A Independência do Brasil é um dos fatos históricos mais importantes de nosso país, pois marca o fim do domínio português e a conquista da autonomia política. Muitas tentativas anteriores ocorreram e muitas pessoas morreram na luta por este ideal. Podemos citar o caso mais conhecido: Tiradentes. Foi executado pela coroa portuguesa por defender a liberdade de nosso país, durante o processo da Inconfidência Mineira.
Dia do Fico
Em 9 de janeiro de 1822, D. Pedro I recebeu uma carta das cortes de Lisboa, exigindo seu retorno para Portugal. Há tempos os portugueses insistiam nesta ideia, pois pretendiam recolonizar o Brasil e a presença de D. Pedro impedia este ideal. Porém, D. Pedro respondeu negativamente aos chamados de Portugal e proclamou : “Se é para o bem de todos e felicidade geral da nação, diga ao povo que fico.”

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